Changing of the guard for the taxpayers federation

Author: David Maclean 2007/08/08
REGINA: After five years as the Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) Saskatchewan director, David MacLean has announced his resignation.

David is leaving the CTF to take a position with an Alberta utility company.

"It was an honour to work with a great organization with such an important mission," said MacLean. "In our society it's essential to have principled advocacy groups who aren't motivated by elections and power to contribute to vital public policy debates. The CTF never wavers from its mandate and does not succumb to political correctness. That's what CTF supporters expect, and that's what the organization delivers."

"My years with the CTF were fulfilling," added MacLean. "But it's time to move on."

During MacLean's tenure the CTF saw significant progress on a number of major policy files. The CTF repeatedly brought to light wasteful government spending, forcing Premier Calvert in 2004 to commit to being more honest and transparent about government operations.

Under MacLean's watch, the CTF carried the flag for less government intrusion in the economy by calling for privatization of liquor stores, STC, SaskTel and other government operations while politicians of all stripes abandoned the cause.

However, the most significant changes during MacLean's tenure were wholesale business tax reforms coupled with a reduced PST.

"These changes meaningfully lowered the tax burden and translated into Saskatchewan's 'tax freedom day' receding faster than any other Canadian province," said CTF National Communications Director Troy Lanigan. "David should be proud to have contributed to these welcome changes."

The issue of school taxes has remained front and center for the CTF and, with an election looming, meaningful relief may be on the way.

"The school tax issue has pierced the consciousness of urban Saskatchewanians," said MacLean. "With so many sought-after votes residing in the cities, this bodes well for weary property taxpayers."

A search for a new Saskatchewan director is under way and the successful applicant will be announced in the near future.

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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